EVTZ Alpine Pearls mbH
Alpine Pearls and ALDA: New opportunities through strategic partnership

Strategic cooperation with ALDA

In recent weeks, the EGTC Alpine Pearls has formalised its membership of the ALDA (European Association for Local Democracy). This partnership opens up new opportunities in the field of EU projects and represents a significant step for the organisation.

ALDA was founded on the initiative of the Council of Europe and is committed to promoting good governance and citizen participation at local level. The organisation is headquartered in Strasbourg and has offices in Brussels, Vicenza and other cities. With over 350 members, including local authorities, associations and civil society organisations from more than 45 countries, ALDA is an important platform for European cooperation.

ALDA's success story

Over the past 20 years, ALDA has realised more than 500 European projects. This impressive track record underlines the organisation's expertise and experience, from which the EGTC Alpine Pearls and its member municipalities will also benefit.

EVTZ Alpine Pearls mbH

Advantages of membership

New opportunities for EU projects

Membership of ALDA gives the EGTC Alpine Pearls access to a dense network of international contacts and an extensive pool of knowledge and experience. ALDA provides continuous information on the most important open calls for tenders at European level in which the EGTC or the member municipalities can participate as Pearls.

Support from ALDA

As part of the services offered, ALDA will regularly inform the Alpine Pearls EGTC about relevant tenders and funding opportunities. This support is crucial in order to successfully participate in EU projects and to further advance its own goals in the area of sustainable tourism and environmentally friendly mobility.

EVTZ Alpine Pearls mbH