EVTZ Alpine Pearls mbH
Green mobility event in Bruneck: insights into sustainable mobility projects

Green mobility event in Bruneck: the future of sustainable mobility

The 18th Green Mobility Network Meeting, organised by IDM, took place on 25 October at the NOI Techpark in Bruneck. Various stakeholders from the field of sustainable mobility, tourism experts and representatives from politics and business came together to present and discuss current mobility projects.

Presentation of current mobility projects

EVTZ Alpine Pearls mbH

Study on increasing the proportion of rail travellers

Thomas Bausch from the Competence Centre for Tourism and Mobility at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano presented a study on the topic of "Increasing rail travel by South Tyrolean guests - increasing the proportion of rail passengers travelling to South Tyrol". The study offers fascinating insights into rail transport in South Tyrol and emphasises the importance of the Brenner Base Tunnel for the region.

Short presentation about the EGTC Alpine Pearls

After a short break, Alois Kronbichler and Oliver Schenk gave a short presentation in which they introduced the EGTC Alpine Pearls. They spoke about the organisation's efforts in the field of sustainable mobility and its various initiatives to promote environmentally friendly travel options.

Presentation of the "AlpsGo!" e-car sharing concept

Leonhard Resch presented the new e-car sharing concept for South Tyrol called "AlpsGo!". This innovative project aims to facilitate access to environmentally friendly vehicles and thus make private transport more sustainable.

Cycle mobility in South Tyrol's cities

Melanie Groß from Eurac Research gave a presentation on bicycle mobility in South Tyrol's cities. She explained the current challenges and opportunities for making cycling more attractive in urban areas and thus contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions.