EVTZ Alpine Pearls mbH
View to the south – the Sill gorge as it will be (Credits: BBT SE)
Martin Ausserdorfer

BBT: environmentally friendly into the future

On Monday, 7 August 2023, Martin Ausserdorfer, Mayor of the municipality of St. Lorenzen and Director of the consortium monitoring the construction of the Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT) and the Franzensfeste-Waidbruck access route, was a guest at the Brandnamic Campus. In his presentation, he highlighted the opportunities that this gigantic infrastructure project brings in the area of mobility. Tobias Vieider represented Alpine Pearls at this event.

Corridor Helsinki-La Valletta (Credits: BBT SE)

Importance of the Brenner Base Tunnel

The Brenner Base Tunnel is not only of great territorial importance for the European region of Tyrol, but also for the entire European area. The aim is to significantly improve the north-south transport link. However, due to numerous challenges, the planned commissioning has been postponed until 2032.

Mobility means prosperity and freedom. Transport solutions such as the BBT can lead to better acceptance of tourism, as the existing traffic places less of a burden on the local population.

Martin Ausserdorfer
View from the Sill gorge northwards / city of Innsbruck and Tyrol Panorama museum (Credits: BBT SE)

Benefits of the BBT for the region

Improving the transport infrastructure

According to Martin Ausserdorfer, the BBT will help to relieve existing traffic congestion and significantly improve the transport infrastructure. This will lead to a higher quality of life for the local population and better accessibility for tourists.

Expansion of the "last mile"

One important aspect emphasised by Ausserdorfer is the expansion of the "last mile". This includes buses such as the Freccialink in Italy, which guarantee seamless connections for guests. Such concepts are essential in order to be able to utilise the BBT effectively and shift traffic away from the roads.

EVTZ Alpine Pearls mbH

The need for a social rethink

However, the success of such projects requires a social rethink. Systematic, coordinated and standardised mobility concepts are needed to promote the acceptance and use of new transport solutions.

EVTZ Alpine Pearls mbH